Thursday, October 15, 2009

"Little Blessings" Christian Preschool

Welcome! I am excited to share with you or answer any questions you may have concerning sending your child to Preschool, teaching tips, fun ideas for kids of all ages or just to listen. Let me know what you think! God bless and keep in touch!


  1. My main picture is of my daughter, Abigail when she was in Preschool. She is 11 and in the 6th grade now! Her cousin, Collin is standing beside her! Aren't they precious??

    The class picture was of our very first year...1995, Thanksgiving Pilgrims! My son, Rodney is the last one standing on your right! He is now 18 and in college!! May God always bless our "little blessings"

  2. I'm glad you've decided to do this, Mrs. Mathews! I hope you're better at keeping it up than I am :).

  3. Thanks for all your faith in me!!! We'll see what happens! Today was another wild day at preschool. We can't seem to get everyone settled down...they are a little wound for sound and some do not know how to listen! But, it will get always does! There's so much I want to accomplish and teach them. We're just having one of those years! But after 15 years, trust me, things will improve!...and just when we think everyone's understanding the schedule and rules....we start having Christmas program practice!!! Aughhhh!!!! But, it's going to be a good one: "A Sweet Christmas" with candy canes and gingerbread men! It's adorable and fun! We have lots of craft ideas and it's an easy theme!
    So, start looking for red & white clothes...anything "Christmassy", stripes or "sweet" looking!
    Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to our Pumpkin Patch Field Trip on Monday!!!!

  4. The sun is shining and it looks like tomorrow.... "the sun will come your bottom dollar that tomorrow...there'll be sun!!!!" Ok, enough singing! Today is Sunday, the Lord's Day! It's been great! Have a great evening!

  5. Our Pumpkin Patch Field Trip went great! Our "Big Blue Bus" wouldn't start, even though we ran it on Saturday...but instead, we were able to use our brand new bus (with plush seats, a VCR and intercom system...whooo!). The weather was beautiful and everyone enjoyed the activities which consisted of: a corn maze (kind of muddy, I might add!), a petting farm (with a calf, a couple of miniature donkeys, lamas and a goat), pony rides, a horse drawn trolley to the pumpkin patch and a "Harvest Trail Mix" for a snack! Awe....what a fun time with such precious "little blessings"!.........

  6. Would love to hear from you! Send me a message and let me know what you think! Have a wonderful weekend....enjoy your Fall Break!

    Mrs. Mathews.........

  7. Scroll down and check out last year's Christmas Program! It was adorable!....aren't they all?? This was just our morning class....didn't have one to post of the afternoon class.....I'll keep looking!....maybe a graduation one???
    Just thought you might enjoy!!!

  8. Found one and it's posted at the top of the page! Miss Ritchie is next to me and the other two teachers are retired...the teacher on the right is my sister, Danita!

  9. I have some awesome parents!...The kids are great, too!!! :) Feel free to leave a comment! That would really brighten my day! Thanks!

  10. "Trick of Treating" at Mrs. Mathews' house this Saturday, after 5:00. Hope you can come. Please call for directions! Have a great weekend and enjoy God's beautiful season of fall!!

  11. We have begun working on our Christmas program. It's always hard to get started on dread trying to teach 3, 4, and 5 year olds all those words to the songs! But, it never fails to turn out great! Anyone have any fresh ideas for our theme: "A Sweet Christmas" with candy canes and gingerbread men, just let me know! I like to change it up a bit from the last time we did this...incase there's siblings or relatives who remember when we did the same program!
    Blessings and good-night after a tiring day!!!

  12. After a full day of subbing at S.R.E.S., I feel pretty good about what we are trying to teach at Preschool! Some kids still don't know how to write their name, tie their shoes or cut with scissors! Glad that I am at least challenging them in these areas...among other things! It's been an exhausting day and I'm tired....but I'm getting ready to go work out at "Zumba" fitness off the stress of the day!

  13. Good afternoon! Here's a reminder: We are taking up Scholastic Book orders....The due date is Nov. 13. Thanks!

  14. Girrrrl, I have first graders who don't know their birthday or how to hear a rhyme. And don't get me started on what some of them DO know that I wish they didn't :( . You are doing great! I can't believe how much my self-absorbed :) Aider-man picks up from you! He's definitely "tuning in" to at least SOME of what you have going on, at least. I've been trying to squeeze details about the Christmas program from him, but... well, I'm lucky to get more than snack info (and I'm sworn to secrecy about today's snack--heehee). I keep hearing it's a boy thing to keep everything to himself, but I don't seem to have that problem with my two-year-old... just wait til Carson hits your doors! :)

  15. Whew! What a day I've had subbing in Kindergarten (2 different classes...probably 24 kids ea.) at S.R.E.S.! Here I am trying to teach my preschoolers to work quietly etc...and "When you get to the 'Big School' can't act that way!!!"...well, after today, I guess my preschoolers are angels!!! Glad to hear that Aiden is having a good time...and he IS really taking it all in and progressing so well! Maybe Swiss Co. is finding "calmer" kids...or maybe it's just that generation thing!!!! Blessings!....

  16. Grandparent's Day this Wed.!! We will take photos, sing, have a craft together, enjoy refreshments and have a dance!

  17. Our Grandparent's Day went very well. We probably had between 50 and 60 grandparents! We enjoyed visiting with everyone and hope to see them again at our Christmas program, which is Sat., Dec. 12 at 10:00
    Thanks to all who helped out with GP Day and be sure to check out the student's: "Creative, Comical Cookbooks" made by each child! Also, be watching for GP photos taken. They will be sent home for you to give to the grandparents. We will make an extra copy to put in their scrapbooks at the end of the year!

  18. So glad it was a great Grandparents day! You all do a first class job at LBCP. :) I'm looking forward tot he Christmas Program, it's just one reason to love Christmas. Do you know when we will get their School Pictures? I'm very excited about them.

  19. I'd say we'll get those pictures tomorrow or sometime next week. She always delivers them personally by Thanksgiving! Thanks for the nice comments! We suddenly realized that we only have 6 days left of program practice. We may throw in a couple of Thursdays or an "all-day" w/sack lunches and rest period! What do you think would be best?

  20. "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within in me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits!....(Psalm 103:1-5) Read's great! Hope your Thanksgiving was as wonderful as mine! Praise be to God!
    Blessings to you always............

  21. Remember, tomorrow and next Thursday are both Project/Practice Days. We'll open the doors at 8:00 a.m.

  22. Hey, Preschool Parents...our Book Order is in and so are the Preschool Pictures! They turned out very adorable!!! See you tomorrow!

  23. What a busy week....our last full week before Christmas vacation! Our program is this Saturday at 10:00. I hope you're ready! I am! It will be so cute...the kids have worked hard! So, we'll see you all on Saturday!!!

  24. Kudos to you and your ladies for the great job and hard work on the Christmas program and Christmas party! Enjoy your break! I am jealous of how much time you get :) . I have to admit that my favorite part of the program was a blooper, when the one guy threatened his family at the mic about taking pictures! That was some good stuff. They should consider submission to AFV!

  25. We were very pleased with the program and the kids were great....yes, even Reece and his comment,"better not take a picture"...that was hilarious! Aiden was a great "Kandy Kane Kid"! Demetrius was a super "Gingerbread Boy" and they all sang and performed wonderfully! One boy was in tears when arriving...soon calm and did fine and only one we gave in and he wore his heavy coat through the whole program! (hot!)...oh well, the things we do to make 'em happy! I'll try to post new photos as soon as I can! Thanks to everyone for your love and support! Merry Christmas!

  26. Merry Christmas "little blessings"! I know you're excited about tomorrow night! Santa sent me an email informing me that he's coming to your house!!! He likes cookies and milk, but would like to snack on something a little different, too! So, be creative! .....and don't forget the reindeer! Here's a great idea: mix dry oats with some sparkly glitter or shredded shiny ribbon and spread it on your lawn to attrack the reindeer to your roof-top from the sky! They love munching on oats while Santa delivers his packages! I love each of you and miss your hugs. I can't wait to hear all of your stories of wonderful Christmas gatherings and celebrations! Remember, keep Christ in Christmas and thank God for His precious Son, Jesus! Blessings............

  27. Welcome, 2010! It's been a snowy start to a new year, and I love it! I just wish the snow would pack good for a snowman! Hope you're enjoying it! Though we had to cancel school due to the weather on Friday, we anticipate a great year and are ready to "get back to the books"! So, here we go....

  28. I need some fresh pictures. If anyone has any Christmas photos at our program, send me a copy! I will check with Mrs. French as well!

  29. You know, normally I'd be your gal, but my batteries died after the first picture, and it was a lousy one :( . Sorry! ☺

  30. Wow! It's been forever since I've been on here. Sorry guys! So, I am ready for SPRING!!!! I'm going to start working out...teaching a class, as well as keep going to ZUMBA! Who's with me??
    Well, I love my Preschoolers and they are keeping me motivated at school, too! There's so much I want to teach them...and never enough time! So, keep up the good work at home, Parents! YOU are your child's FIRST teacher!!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. YAY! What a fun surprise to see such a handsome guy on here! :) I'll have to remember to get on here BEFORE he goes to bed to show him! We close on our house next Monday. Woohoo! Life has sped up once again to a frantic pace, and your pic has reminded me to SLOW DOWN and enjoy these little moments, like my true Colts fan, even the day after the big Superbowl disappointment.

  33. Hey, Moms! Just wanted to invite you to "Mommy Aerobics", better known as: "F.I.T." (Females in Training) tonight, Mar. 4 at 6:30! It will be held at preschool!!!! We'll pump up the music and "throw a 'F.I.T.'!!! Can't come? We'll also have a class on Sat. 10:00 A.M.. Hope you can come! Remember, it's FREE!!! Blessings!.......

  34. No's down, so send me a message on my blog or facebook...I miss my computer...I even miss getting junk mail! I feel like I don't have any friends and I'm all alone! So, please...someone...send me something! Blessings to you all!!!! Mrs. Mathews

  35. Ok, everyone...well, verizon did a number on me...I finally located my email messages, but my contact list was wiped out. Don't ask me how? So, any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

  36. Well, we are winding down and ready for the end of the year! Hard to believe it's May already! It's been a great year and I will truly miss all my little kiddies who graduate! Some I'll see often, a few from time to at the Pumpkin Show or Wal-mart...and unfortunately, there are always a couple that I will NEVER see again! That's the saddest part of all. Soooooo, EVERYONE keep in touch! I'll cherish these precious memories forever!

    Love and blessings always, Mrs, Mathews.....

  37. Dear Parents and Grandparents,
    Well, this is it...our last day! :( "Family Day" will take place on Monday, May 17 @ Ohio Rod Park; 8:30ish - 11:30. We will meet you there or you may ride with us from Preschool at 8:30 A.M.. If it is raining, we can go ahead and have our brunch and Awards Ceremony. If it is simple a down-pour and/or thunder and ligtning, we will meet back at the church bldg. and enjoy our time together there. If you have any questions, please give us a call! It has been a great year! The kids did such an adorable job on their program Saturday. We apologize that the sound system was acting up, but all was well, and we made it through! We hope you enjoyed your child's "All About Me" Scrapbooks!!! We enjoyed working on them throughout the year and hope they will be a treasured gift to cherish forever! Blessings to you always! Love, Mrs. Mathews

  38. What a terrific year we had!!! I'll try to post some photos whenever I can! If you have any to share, I'd love to see them! Thanks! Blessings! Love & Hugs, Mrs. Mathews

  39. L.B.C.P. Information for Interested Parents:
    * Ages 3 - 5 (mixed, but separated during Academic Times)
    * 3 Days a Week (Mon. - Wed. - Fri.)
    * A.M. Class: 8:30 - 11:30; P.M. Class: 12:30 - 3:30.
    * Tuition: $90 a month: includes school supplies, daily snacks, and ALL activites
    * 3 Teachers; 10 students per teacher, with S.R.H.S.student assistant and possibly full time aide as well.
    * For more Information: (812) 689-6873

  40. This is my first blog of the new school year! So far, so good! We are having fun! This month the Firemen came to visit, we went to the Pumpkin Patch, and had Preschool Portraits taken. Still to come: Fall Break, Progress Report Cards, Fall/Harvest Party and start on the Christmas program!!!

    Mrs. Mathews.........

  41. Our Christmas program is this Saturday!! I can't wait! The kids have been practicing so hard! They are so adorable!!
    Christmas Blessings!
    Mrs. Mathews

  42. Wow! We are having a great year at "LBCP"! The kids are learning so much and having fun, too! We are about to begin working on our "Grand Finale" Closing/Graduation Program, which will take place on Sat., May 14! I am looking for some stringed puppets (marionettes) to borrow for props! If you have any to loan, I promise to take good care of them and return them ASAP! Thanks!
    Mrs. Mathews.........
